Hello again my Prettehs! A blizzard has commenced and that gives me a chance to get some blogging done ... I was looking thru my inventory for some items to blog and I came across some awesome stuff, but way at the bottom was some stuff that I either completely forgot about or didn't know that I had not sure which ... But the releases that I found from r friends over at Gang/Cold r toooo awesome not to post! Make sure u catch the TP and pick up these amazing items today!
Also while ur out make sure u pop over to Useful Things and pick up Useful Things new Goles Piercing ... I luv it!
And while ur shop hopping head over to Pollen and pick up this really awesome new hair! This casual style hair is a dream to style for a MUST HAVE ALL PURPOSE hair to have in ur wardrobe!
Happy Shopping Ladies! Cya There!
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Hair -Pollen-Giselle (Blondes)
Skin -Al Vulo- Eleonor (Sunkissed)
Piercing -Useful Things- Goles (Grey)
Top -Molichino- LahLah Halter (Navy)
Necklace -ME Jewelry- Gaia Maxi Necklace
Pants -Gang/Cold- Mick Jeggings (Quarters)
Shoes -Gang/Cold- 7th Heaven (Bleu)