Hello again my Prettehs on this glorious Independence Day Weekend here in the states, still hella hot, but we're makin it thru pretteh ok, hope all of u r doing well ...
This evenings presentation is short, but soooo awesome ... As u all know my all time favorite skins r those from r friends from over at Hush Skins ...
In my posts I have been wearing their stunning Juliette Skin June's Group Gift ... Join that group ladies the skins r amazing! Along with the Juliette Skin they released Hanna ... U have 2 c Hanna ... Its an absolute must ... I am presenting Juliette's Cream Skin Tone in all 5 different Makeup Styles ... The BubbleGum is soooo cute! The Vanilla skin tone of Hanna is the complete opposite ... Their 5 different makeups r more sultry with their smokey eyemakeups using colors like Smoked Fire, Smoked Grapes and Smoked Kiss how can u not look as hawt as possible in it? Also they have a more natural smoked makeup that comes with Gloss and completely Natural ... The matte finish of the Natural is always a good 1 to pick up u can dress it up and down all kinds of ways which I always enjoy doing ... Totally worth taking the TP to ur new skin heaven!
Happy Shopping Ladies!
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Skin -Hush Skins - Hanna (Vanilla)