Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hanna Dai ... Lemme Blow Ya Mind ...


Hello again my Prettehs on this glorious Independence Day Weekend here in the states, still hella hot, but we're makin it thru pretteh ok, hope all of u r doing well ...

This evenings presentation is short, but soooo awesome ... As u all know my all time favorite skins r those from r friends from over at Hush Skins ...

 In my posts I have been wearing their stunning Juliette Skin June's Group Gift ... Join that group ladies the skins r amazing! Along with the Juliette Skin they released Hanna ... U have 2 c Hanna ... Its an absolute must ... I am presenting Juliette's Cream Skin Tone in all 5 different Makeup Styles ... The BubbleGum is soooo cute! The Vanilla skin tone of Hanna is the complete opposite ... Their 5 different makeups r more sultry with their smokey eyemakeups using colors like Smoked Fire, Smoked Grapes and Smoked Kiss how can u not look as hawt as possible in it? Also they have a more natural smoked makeup that comes with Gloss and completely Natural ... The matte finish of the Natural is always a good 1 to pick up u can dress it up and down all kinds of ways which I always enjoy doing ...  Totally worth taking the TP to ur new skin heaven!
Happy Shopping Ladies!

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 Skin -Hush Skins - Hanna (Vanilla)