Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Way I Are!


Hello my prettehs my partner Rainee came on Sunday and presented some of the best posts that I have seen on NOMONKS and I decided I was gonna try to match ...

As everyone knows I blogged for the Whore Couture Fair and I had tons of stuff that was left over that I wanted to present ... Some really funky pieces along with some really nice and pretteh things ... I was thankful for the fair not only for filling my inventory with such wonderful things, but for bringing us some really cool new sponsors that we can continue to follow and present to u all ...

As always I have to present some makeups from Pink Acid ... This 20 pack of Perfect Lipsticks and Lashes is pretteh awesome ... I luv the colors and the fact that she brilliantly came up with 3 separate shades of blue which has to b really hard to do with such skill ... I also luvd the lashes ...

I have to say that I luvd the darker pieces in this presentation the collars and the corsets were so AMAZING!

I thought the dresses and the shoes were also awesome! KIM came out some time ago with some Mesh heels which I wear everywhere just because the colors that they come in ... Available in 30 very unique shades can make every oufit and outstanding 1! This is one of those all purpose items ladies go ahead and pick this 1 up today!

 Happy Shopping Ladies ... ;)

Smooches MaiBella Resident

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  Makeup -PinkAcid- Perfect Lipstick & Eyelashes