Saturday, April 14, 2012

Again ...


Hello again my Pretteh's ...

First before I say anything about today's early morning presentation I have to take this time out 2 thank each and every 1 of u that have helped us get to over 20,000 hits!!! Both Rainee and I r so thrilled that we have reached this milestone and it's all because of u. Thank u so so much! Makes me happier than u could ever know. We r still havin a blast and remain dedicated to making this blog the best it could b.

Now onto the goodies...

Today I was looking thru my inventory and I saw how many wonderful sponsors that I have and I am so thrilled that I can present them ... The first being SHINE Skins and Fashion ... Their skins r so well made and well worth the lindens spent on them ... In the posts about the new skin Lena u c that the skin comes in 4 different shades and has 4 different makeups. I am totally in luv with them all of course :) but if u look the skin is flawless in any shade, but the tan skin totally rawked my world ... Hahahahahaha! A definite must buy no matter what ur shade ladies.

The next is of course a lipstick from r fav fav fav makeup artist from over at PINK ACID ... Just right off the bat I knew I was gonna luv this lil 3 pack of lipsticks ... Just for the fact that its white ... I also was anxious to c how she would make the 3 lipsticks different from eachother and was pleasantly surprised when I saw that she completely succeeded yet again. Her talent really does know no bounds. My favorite is the white lipstick with the Matte finish ... So modern looking, but oddly subdued when ur wearing it ... This something u can wear to make that outfit that is just missing that certain something work ... This lipstick and some funky shades and ur on ur way! Run out and get this one today ladies u will not regret it!

The next entries r from r friends over at L'Exception! ... I <333 the mesh tanks ... Could my life b any more complete now that I have my Salt and Peppa Mesh Tank?!?!?! Just sayin ... Ladies trust me u need this ...

I started pairing some posts with my old school Chuckies that I got from NV what feels like a million years ago ... Comes with a hud so I can not only make the shoes any color that I want and attach and detach the legwarmers or the tongues of this shoe, but I can also turn the shoe multi colored which is totally awesome! I know I have posted these shoes before, but am much happier now that I have explained their absolute awesomeness! Thank u very much ***BOWS*** hahahahaha!

The next selections r the cutest summer shirt and a really cute dress from Born Rebel ... I visited their store recently with a friend and we were really pleasantly surprised how affordable their fashions r ... They always have something good so tp over and get ur shop on!

The next selections r from Bad Romance ... The dresses r awesome, but the cute mesh shirts were a certain pleasant surprise ... So well made and the designs r so cute ...

As u can tell I am wearing leggings in my posts and I picked them up when I first started SL on marketplace for something silly like a linden or something and got a pack of really good shiny bright leggings, however the store went out of business and I find it anymore sorries ... But any great legging will go great with these meshes!

I end my posts with the awesome news from KIM ... I luvd the bodysuit and the pink dress! They r totally to die duncha think? Run right over and pick urs up today!

What r ur news for the day? Hmmm ... ?

 Happy Shopping Ladies ... ;)

Smooches MaiBella Resident

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 Skin -Shine Skin and Fashion- Lena Skin 4 Shades 4 MakeUps